You don’t need to be an expert to care indoor plants and keep them healthy and thriving. With just a little attention to the right amount of light, water and temperature, your plant will thrive and give you joy for a long time. Move your plant to sink area when watering, allow excess water to run out of the bottom before you move it back to your home or office.
Prune the leaves and blossoms regularly. To make the plant shine, you can wipe the leaves with a soft damp cloth.
It is well known that plants help relieve stress, improve mood, and oxygenate the air. So it comes as no surprise that houseplant sales in the US have increased by 50% in the last three years, reaching a whopping $1.7 billion. Whether they’re in our bedrooms or our living rooms, plants help to bring life to our everyday spaces.
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Top Indoors Plant Care Tips
Let’s take a look at how we can take care of our indoor plants and keep them around for as long as possible!
1. Adjust Lighting and Air Circulation Conditions for House Plants
Although indoor plants certainly decorate our spaces beautifully, popular houseplants such as the fiddle-leaf fig would much rather grow in a tropical rainforest. This is why adjusting levels of humidity, sunlight, air circulation, and water will help replicate their natural habitat and allow for optimal care of these indoor House plants. It’s important to understand that houseplants vary in their light requirements. This means that when looking after your plant, you must learn to analyze external factors such as light intensity during the day or seasonal change. For example, if the foliage on your plant is turning a dull green or yellow, this is an indicator that your plant is getting more light than it needs. Take care of your houseplants and adjust locations and positioning as needed to suit their light requirements throughout the year.
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Indoor plants need a steady and proper air flow, just like many other plants. This helps prevent dampness, condensation and cold/hot spots. The perfect spot for your plant is near a window, this ensures that your houseplant is getting enough circulation, even through the slight breeze from a closed window.
2. Water Your House Plant Properly
By now, we all know that plants require regular watering. But how can we be sure if we’re watering our houseplants too often or too little? We tend to overlook best watering practices all too often, so here are a few tips to help you understand if your indoor plant is thirsty or not:
- Allow the soil to partially dry before watering again. This means that we are giving the water enough time to run to the bottom of the pot, reaching the plant’s roots and assuring that the houseplant is hydrated.
- Check soil moisture by sticking your finger into the top 2 inches of the soil or by lifting the pot. If your finger feels dry, it is time to water your plant.
- Constantly clean out the tray at the bottom of the pot. This will help prevent any root diseases.
Read more: Low-Maintenance Indoor Houseplants
3. Pay Attention to Leaves of Green House Plants
A green house plant’s leaves can tell us so much about their health. Aside from giving us insights into their watering and light requirements, they also help communicate their humidity and temperature needs. Different colors and different patterns on the leaves tell us exactly what to do to keep our plants healthy.
- Brown leaves: These are often indicators that the plant is getting too much sun or not enough humidity.
- Spotted leaves: These usually occur when a plant is being overwatered or is lacking light.
- Pale weak green: These often appear when the plant is not getting enough light or the soil and air are too dry.
- Silver or red blemishes: Your plant is getting too much direct sunlight.
- No growth or dropping leaves: Your plant may need more fertilizer.
These are some easy tips for taking care of indoor plants. Always remember to dust off the leaves, check for bugs/insects, fertilize your plants regularly, and try not to move your plant around too much. Unlike garden plants, houseplants don’t have a regular source of nutrients, meaning that they require a fertilizing regime.
Care advice for popular indoor plants
Areca Palm Indoor Plant Care
Areca palms prefer medium to bright light. Be sure to keep their soil moist but not soggy. Don’t let the soil to become too dry or they wilt. Trim back palm fronds regularly.
Boston Fern Plant Care Indoor
Ferns thrive in bright diffused light and moist soil. Prune dead fronds regularly from the plant and keep humidity near the plant high for best results.
Indoor Cacti & Succulent Plant Care
Cacti and other succulent plants are desert plants and prefer direct sun. Water them evenly, allowing them to dry out completely in between watering.
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Indoor Hydrangea Plant Care
Hydrangea needs sunny bright spot with indirect light. Keep the soil moist by watering it thoroughly allowing excess water to drain.
Indoor IVY Plant Care
To ensure the Ivy gets enough moisture, set the planter on a tray or saucer filled with pebbles and water. It’s more vulnerable in winter with dry air from heating. Place your ivy plant in a spot in your garden with indirect sunlight.
Indoor Orchid plant Care
Orchid needs a well-ventilated spot with partial shade to grow well. They need to be kept away from radiators, air-conditioning and strong drafts. Let the planter sit in a tray of pebbles. This allows moisture to circulate and prevents roots from rotting.
Indoor Oriental lily plant Care
This plant needs well-ventilated spot with bright and indirect sunlight. Keep away from air conditioners, heaters and strong drafts. Whenever the soil feels dry, water it. Feed it with a water-soluble fertilizer.
Indoor Poinsettia plant Care
Poinsettias are tropical plants and need to be kept away from drafts and colds. Keep the soil of your poinsettia plant moist allowing it to dry out slightly in between watering. Pinch off spent blossoms regularly. Add plant fertilizer when it’s actively growing new buds or leaves.
Indoor Rose bush plant Care
Rose plants do well in bright indirect light. The soil needs to be moist, allowing it to dry in between watering. Remove any dead leaves and pinch off spent blossoms to encourage new blooms.
Pro Tip: Houseplants are a great way to bring nature inside, but some apartment-dwellers may find it difficult to find the perfect plants for their space. Since some apartments have minimal natural light and square footage, it’s important to know which plants are resilient enough to survive in that environment. Credit: Jenna Hall (Pot it Like it’s Hot: Best Plants for Apartments)
Plants help beautify our homes and bring joy to our days. Caring for them properly is the least we can do in return. If you’re looking for Online indoor plant Delivery for your home, browse our catalog and order plant delivery today.
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