HomeFlower MeaningGeraniums : Origin, Meaning, and Symbolism

Geraniums : Origin, Meaning, and Symbolism

Geraniums are beautiful flowering plants with colorful blooms that come in a variety of shades, ranging from bright reds and pinks to delicate whites and purples. They are easy to care for and grow well both indoors and outdoors. If you want to incorporate these cheery plants into your garden or windowsill, read on to find out what geraniums are, how they’re grown, and how they’re cared for.

The Meaning and Symbolism of Geraniums

The geranium is also a symbolic plant because it needs specific care like sunlight, water, and deadheading to keep blooming nicely. Just like relationships need nurturing acts like spending time together, expressing feelings, and fixing problems, geraniums need the gardener’s attention and hard work. If someone receives geranium flowers, the gift is telling them the giver will support them and help their relationship blossom, just like taking care of geraniums helps their beautiful flowers grow. They are also gifted to people who were born between October 23 and November 21 as they are also scorpio-birth flowers.

Geraniums Cultivation and History

Geraniums are one of the most popular flowering plants for gardens and geranium flower care is extremely easy. Geranium plants and flowers have a long history of cultivation dating back to the 16th century. The name ‘geranium’ comes from the Greek word ‘geranos’ meaning crane, likely due to the beaked shape of the seed pods.

Geraniums Cultivation and History

There are over 400 species of geraniums native to Europe, Africa, and Asia. However, most of the geraniums we know today as garden perennials actually belong to the genus Pelargonium. Here are some historical meanings for every color of germanium:

Red Geranium

This symbolize love, desire, and the warmth of feeling. They are one of the most popular colored geraniums due to their vibrant red color.

Purple Geranium

Signify spirituality, wisdom, and dignity. The deep purple color emanates a sense of mystery and beauty.

White Geranium

They represent innocence, spirituality, and purity. Their pristine white color adds a fresh and soothing feel to any garden.

Pink Geranium

Pink indicate grace, joy, happiness, and femininity. They give off an air of gentleness and delicate charm with their soft pink petals.

Blue Geranium

It represents the impossible, the unattainable, and the infinite. Their cool blue color imparts calm and serenity.

Orange Geranium

They represent warmth, enthusiasm, and sunshine, and their cheerful orange color lifts one’s spirits and mood instantly.

How to Grow

How to Grow Geraniums

Geraniums grow best in full sun and well-drained soil. Here are the steps to plant and care for geraniums:

  1. Prepare the soil by mixing compost and sand to improve drainage.
  2. Plant the geraniums either from seed or purchased starter plants. Space 2 to 3 feet apart.
  3. Water regularly but allow the top 1-2 inches of soil to dry out between waterings. Do not overwater geraniums.
  4. Fertilize once a month during the growing season with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer.
  5. Deadhead regularly to encourage continuous blooming. Remove spent flowers and down to the next set of leaves or buds.

Geraniums Propagation

Geraniums Propagation

The most common way to propagate geraniums is through stem cuttings.

  1. Take stem cuttings in spring or early summer from new growth, 6-8 inches long.
  2. Remove the lower leaves leaving 4-5 leaves at the top of the stem.
  3. Dip the cut end in rooting hormone and insert it into compost-filled containers or seedling trays.
  4. Keep the soil moist and place the container in bright, indirect light. Roots should form within 2-3 weeks.

Pruning and Maintenance

Geraniums Pruning and Maintenance

Prune geraniums in late winter or early spring before new growth emerges:

  1. Cut back stems to 4-6 inches above the soil.
  2. Remove any damaged, diseased or crossed stems.
  3. Fertilize the soil after pruning to encourage vigorous new growth.

During the growing season, deadheading spent flowers and removing diseased leaves will keep geraniums looking their best.

Cultivars to Select

Some popular geranium cultivars to grow or order geranium flowers online:

‘Rozanne’ – deep purple-blue flowers on trailing stems

‘Orion’ – vibrant red flowers

‘Calliope White’ – pure white flowers

‘Patricia’– bright pink flowers

‘Cambridge’ – rosy-red flowers, good for borders

Geraniums flower care

Managing Pests and Disease

To keep geraniums healthy and to do potted geranium care well, inspect plants regularly for:

Aphids – spray with neem oil or insecticidal soap

Spider mites – wash plants with a forceful stream of water

Powdery mildew – prune diseased leaves and improve airflow

Botrytis – increase air circulation and space between plants

Also Read: Most Popular Houseplants that Require Minimum Maintenance

Uses and Fun Facts of Geraniums

Uses and Fun Facts of Geraniums
  • Geraniums are excellent bedding and border plants. They also work well in containers that make flower pot arrangements a popular choice for gifting.
  • The leaves, flowers, and roots of geraniums contain a compound used for making geraniol, a scent used in perfumes.
  • When gently crushed, geranium leaves and stems give off a heavenly rose-like aroma.
  • In Victorian times, dried geranium flower petals were used to make potpourri and sachets.
  • Due to their delicate petals, the meaning of geranium flower also symbolizes something fragile and fleeting.
  • Geranium plants require care and attention to thrive, hence making the flower symbolic of the need to nurture relationships to keep them strong and healthy.

If you want to add some cheerful color and fragrance to your garden, consider planting geraniums this year. Follow the tips mentioned in this guide for best geranium care and you are sure to have a bountiful crop of these beautiful flowers.

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