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Some Bunny Loves You Easter Gift Basket

Some Bunny Loves You Easter Gift Basket

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Easter doesn't get any happier than this! Filled to the brim with gourmet goodies, this deluxe gift features gourmet jelly beans, juicy mandarin oranges, decadent milk chocolate-covered OREO® cookies and more fun and festive treats. Their gift will come packaged in a keepsake garden pail with an adorable plush bunny for the perfect finishing touch. details Milk Chocolate Foiled Eggs (1.5 oz.) 2 Milk Chocolate Covered OREO® Cookies Gourmet Jelly Beans (3 oz.) Chocolate Covered Gummy Bears (3 oz.) Gummy Carrots (3 oz.) 2 Mandarin Oranges Plush Bunny Keepsake Blue Pail OREO is a registered trademark of Intercontinental Great Brands LLC
