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Hand Tied Garden Flower Bouquet - Florist's Choice

Hand Tied Garden Flower Bouquet - Florist's Choice

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Looking for a fresh and whimsical design? Our Florist's Choice Garden Flower Bouquet combines a fun mix of the freshest flowers designed into a modern "fresh from the garden" looking bouquet. Colour palette and blooms used will vary.

This bouquet does NOT include a vase. These are carefully packaged with stems in a disposable water source and then wrapped with tissue and clear cellophane. Just unwrap and the bouquet is ready to pop in the vase of choice.

Picture shown is a recent examples of an actual bouquet that we designed and later sent out to a customer just like you! Please note that while we don’t guarantee what the flower varieties or colours will be, we do guarantee that your specific arrangement will be fresh and beautiful.
