Receiving a bouquet of delivered flowers from your significant other can be one of the best feelings in the world. However, theReceiving a bouquet of fresh flowers from a loved one can be a great feeling, but unfortunately can’t stay fresh for long. A good way to continue to enjoy the flowers is to press or dry them and use them in some craft projects to enjoy them forever. You can include children in the fun activities or do with your friends and family.
You can create your own unique stationary or birthday cards to gift to friends and family. After you choose the perfect flowers, you must select a medium to heavy weight paper to go with the chosen flowers. You need a pencil, tweezers, a small paintbrush and clear glue.
Take a paper and fold it into a single fold card. Arrange the flowers on a separate paper in the style you like. Once you have finalized the design. Lift each flower with tweezers and apply glue to the back of the flowers. Place the flowers on the card carefully one by one. Let them dry before moving or touching them. Now you have your own unique cards that will be appreciated by all.
Get candle molds and wax and add in your dried flowers to make fragrant candles or you can also add dried blossoms onto candles you already have. Stick the dried flowers with the help of melted wax on the candles you already have.
Take two pieces of square shaped glasses. Decide the design and then place the flowers on a separate paper. Pick each piece of flower, add glue and stick on the glass. Place the other piece of glass on top and press the two together to secure the flowers. Wrap the metal tape across the edge of the glass.
Your unique coaster is ready to use after 24 hours.
Dried flowers can also me used to make herbal bath scents or homemade paper.