Rose & Calla Lily Bouquet

Rose & Calla Lily Bouquet

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Have a look, ain’t it gorgeous? Not only gorgeous but soothing to look and sweet-smelling. This combo in white and green is a simple gesture that will let you ensure a calm, beautiful and happy start to the day for your loved ones.

The “Rose & Calla Lily Bouquet” comes with White Rose and Calla Lily in a cylindrical vase.

The White color always symbolizes purity, innocence and chastity. Also in some cases, it stands for remembrance and respect. White Roses and Calla Lilies are also no exception. For this exact reason, “Rose & Calla Lily Bouquet” is often gifted at occasions like, Weddings, Christenings, Graduations, and other ceremonial occasions. They also convey the emotions like ‘I Miss You', ‘Have a Nice Day', ‘Congratulations’, and ‘All the Best'. You can gift this to your friends, father, mother, grandparents, juniors and seniors, colleagues, siblings, neighbors, cousins, boyfriend/girlfriend and significant other.

Since we place the utmost importance on using only fresh and the best quality flowers in all our flower bouquets and floral arrangements, based on availability, the actual product design, colors, varieties, and container may slightly vary from the picture shown above.
